Safety Policy

Serene Mechanical is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors, and visitors. We recognize our legal and moral obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace and to promote the physical, mental and social wellbeing of our people.

Serene Mechanical is committed to achieving this by:

Providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment by:

a. Identifying and managing hazards and risks;

b. Providing and maintaining safe plant, equipment and systems of work;

c. Ensuring that the workplace is safe and free from risks to health;

d. Providing suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision;

e. Consulting and communicating with employees and contractors on health and safety matters.

Encouraging the active participation of all employees and contractors in maintaining and improving health and safety performance by:

a. Encouraging employees and contractors to identify hazards, assess risks, and report incidents and near-misses;

b. Encouraging employees and contractors to actively participate in developing and implementing health and safety management systems and initiatives.

Continuously improving health and safety performance by:

a. Measuring and monitoring health and safety performance;

b. Regularly reviewing and updating health and safety management systems and initiatives.

c. Complying with applicable health and safety laws and regulations, industry standards and best practices

Serene Mechanical will strive to create a culture that promotes the importance of health and safety for all employees and contractors, and actively encourages them to take ownership of their own health and safety, and that of their colleagues.